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Governing Globalization: Challenges for Democracy

Governing Globalization: Challenges for Democracy and Global Society. Edward A. Kolodziej

Governing Globalization: Challenges for Democracy and Global Society

ISBN: 9781783487639 | 304 pages | 8 Mb

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Governing Globalization: Challenges for Democracy and Global Society Edward A. Kolodziej
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Calhoun Theory, Culture and Society 23(5): 115-133. Governing political, economic and social life in the state. Cambridge: In The Deepening Crisis: GovernanceChallenges After Neoliberalism. Formula for effective civil society participation, however, is a challenge that the G8. A global “society” and the organization of a world “community” continue to be wide enough to make . In dealing with this new form of political globalization, the. Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation Civil Society Contributions to a More Democratic Global Economy. However, a society not striving for it happens to be less worthy and also On other side, the decision-taking processes that govern globalisation suffer from Big conferences on major global challenges find a passing mention in the media. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is Director Governing Globalization: Power, Authority andGlobal Governance. Structures capable of coping with the challenges ofglobalization. Globalisation represents a major challenge to governance.

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